Thursday, January 14, 2010


To start a project, you need 60 square meters pond. Find a place where water is already available and plenty. The dikes must be thicker at the base than the top to avoid erosion.

In digging the pond, the side where to drain the water should be deeper than the other side. The purpose is for easy draining. Maintain water depth of 150 centimeters or less.

Before flowing the pond with water, fertilization with chicken manure is advisable. You can use complete fertilizer in order to promote the growth of algae. Use a khaki campbell as it lays as many as 300 or more per year. The eggs were family large, thick-shelled weighing 75 grams each.

Build a duck house in one side above the water of the pond. Place 15 ducks in a pond. Provides 2 males and 13 females. Build a house of 4 square meters floor area made of bamboo slats. Build swimming pen beside the duck house 4 square meters with 6x6 feet. Use the all-purpose feed formula using soybean meals, leaf meals, copra meals, corm grits, bone meal, shell powder and salt.

You can have an alternate feeds for them, a chopped vegetables, grated coconut or crushed snails, their favorite food. Give water and feeds every morning and afternoon. When they reach 6 months, they starts laying eggs. The layers will continue producing eggs more than 3 years as long as they are manage well.

Early in the morning, the eggs will scatter in the duck house. Gather it without them nearby and clean their feeding trough. Scrap the remaining feeds and wash in the pond. As substitute, raise snails in the pond for your duck have a nutrition protein meal.

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