Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Sweet corn has demand in the market. Planters sell it directly as green corn or cooked in boiling water. The sweetness of the corn is the reason for the increase in demand in short supply as it is not suitable for large-scale production. Sweet corn can adapt many types of soil condition. It is best planted in fertile or sandy loam soil.
Prepare the land 24 days before planting. Plow and harrow the land thoroughly repeated alternately 2 to 3 times to have the soil in good tilt.
Make the first plowing, after one week harrow the land. Broadcast animal manure or organic fertilizer to the harrowed land. Irrigate the land after harrowing to let the weeds to germinate. After 12 days, start plowing to remove the emerging weeds and follow the second harrowing. Then after 8 days do the 3rd and final plowing and harrowing thoroughly done to kill the remaining weeds that will emerge.
If the soil is lacking the nutrients for the plants to grow fast, apply fertilizer. If the field is one hectare lot, if animal manure is available in poultry farm, procure and apply directly to the harrowed field before planting the seeds. Use ammonium sulfate 250 kilos with 300 kilos of calcium superphosphate and 50 kilos of potassium chloride.
Start making furrows the next day in preparation for the planting. The distance of the hill between furrows should be 95 centimeters. Apply the furrows with basal fertilizer and 400 kilos of 16-20-0 (8 bags) in a hectare. Cover the fertilizer with soil lightly and properly. Then the furrows are ready for planting.
Prepare the seeds for planting, treating it first with fungicide and insecticide to assure high rate of germination.
Sow only 2 seeds per hill with the distance of 25 centimeters. Cover it properly and lightly. Start watering the seeds in the furrows. This is to induce easy germination of seeds. Water the plants as often as necessary.
Early sign of pest habitation shall be controlled.
-After 6 days from germination, replace and replant seeds again to those missing hills. After two weeks, thin out the hill leaving only 1 plant per hill. Side-dress the plants with ammonium sulfate for fast growth, to have vigor in appearance and firm stand.
The placement of fertilizer should be between hills, 3 inches from the base of the plant not near to the hill to avoid sudden stress to the plants due to potency of the fertilizer.
After 2 weeks and a half from planting, start spraying the plant with insecticides to ensure that pest will not destroy the leaves of the corn. After 10 days, start hilling up to loosen the soil and have the plants a little breathing space during its growth. Follow irrigation to the plant to maintain its moisture level while growing especially during dry period. Additionally, apply granular insecticides to the whorl of the plants to protect it from many damaging insects.
After 36 days, spray again the plants with insecticides to protect against ear worm and corn borer that lay their eggs in the tassel. It should be completely eradicated to protect the ear of corn during the fruiting stage. Repeat the process every week 2 times until the threat disappear.
Once the age of the corn reaches 55 days, stop spraying with insecticides not to contaminate in the ear of corn while waiting for the schedule harvesting. If there is isolated case of worm habitation, remove it manually.
Harvest the plant more or less 75 days when the corn are full and tender, if the silk started to dry and colored brown, or the kernel are full and has milky liquid if pressed by the finger.

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