Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Cashew can survive in a hilly areas where crops cannot grow. It can grow in all types of soil. Planting in a deep loam soil will have a chance for better yield especially if the soil has enough moisture during its period of growth.

It can withstand a long period of drought where rainfall is minimal. It can grow in an areas with too much moisture provided it has a good drainage system. Further, it can grow in low level areas either a rolling or flat areas.

In preparing a planting materials choose an area that has good drainage, well-drained and exposed to sunlight. Good source of water is needed for the better growth of the seedling. Select a good seed, fully matured. Sow the seed in prepared polyethelene plastic bags containing equal portion o fine sand to that of nutrient-rich humus soil. Sow the seeds 10 cm deep in the soil.

The germination period is one week or more. Control the watering of the planted seeds or newly emerging plants. If the seedlings are not growing well, application of urea at the rate of 12 tablespoon in every gallon of water. Good maintenance in caring the seedling is needed until it is ready for planting in a selected location. Plant the seedlings when it is about 50 centimeters in height.

Prepare the land thoroughly. Plow 3 times and do the harrowing according to the required tilling. It is best if the preparation of the land is done before the start of the rainy season. Plant the seedling in a hole with a measurement of 25x25x25 cms (LxWxH) nearest to a month before the scheduled planting.

It is recommended to have a distance of 6x6 meters between the plants. For easy growth of the seedling, plant it at the start of the rainy season. To induce fast root growth and development, remove the cellophane bags and placed it in a holes full of surface soil.

During its period of growth, the planted seedlings should be weeded in a safe distance of one meter in every tree. Remove the weeds at all times. Use dried grasses as mulch to the base of the plants for the purpose of conserving enough moisture in the soil.

A newly planted seedlings needs enought water during the period of its growth. Water it properly according to its usage only. Avoid over-watering to avoid damaging the seedlings. Remove all weeds around the plants. Keep itclean to avoid invitation of pests. Planting other cash crops along the growing plants have a better advantage of keeping the surrounding free from weeds.

When the trees already in its full growth, do the pruning. This is to allow an even distribution of branches and leaves. Regularly remove all diseased branches. Do fertilization by using complete fertilizer (14-14-14) about 350 grams per tree for the seedling. For a young trees during its fruiting stage, use 3 kilograms per tree. Cover the fertilizer properly in the soil around the tree. Place it in a series of small holes 10 centimeters deep.

Apply the necessary control measures for the trees and its fruits. Use pesticides accordinf to manufacturer's recommended dosage.

Cashew trees can bear fruits 3 to 4 years. Full bearing is 12th year and will continue for another 15 years or even more.

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